πŸ€–Supervisor checklist

Things that supervisors of a shift need to do

  1. Check Participant Schedule the day before your shift to know what you have to deal with the day of your shift. In general it's good to know for the week itself.

  2. Check the lab email in the morning to see if any participants are cancelling for the day, if so, make sure to update Participant Schedule and update the RAs as well.

  3. Be on time and make sure your door stays open so the RAs know that they can come to you when they need something. If you're going to be late, let someone (RA or lab manager) know ESPECIALLY if you are supervising the morning shift.

  4. Once you come in, check in on the RAs to understand what is happening for the day. Did someone cancel? And see if they will need your help. RAs need to know that we are here to support them.

  5. It is imperative that all supervisors can run a session by themselves so that if by chance no RAs are coming in, we know what to do.

  6. Evening shift supervisors need to make sure that all emails are taken care off by end of the day. These duties are especially important for grad supervisors to do if the lab manager is not around. This includes:

    1. Replying to emails. If you don't know how to reply, pin it and ask someone else

    2. Making sure reminder emails have been sent for the next day, or for Monday if it's a Fridfay. You can know by checking Participant Schedule. If it is green, a reminder email has been sent. If it's not, do it. The colour coding is in the "legend" sheet at the start of the excel.

    3. Check if CABI reminders have been sent for next week. We are emailing a reminder 1 week ahead, calling/texting 4 days ahead, and calling 1 day before.

    4. Make sure all doors are closed and locked before you leave.

Last updated