
Task Programming


Most of our tasks are created and run in E-Prime 3, although some are still in E Prime 2. The School of Psychology has an E-Prime license and thus any psychology computer can have it installed. The E-Prime suite has multiple different programs:

  • E-Studio (.es3) – Create and edit tasks, generate E-Run files (scripts).

  • E-Run (.ebs3) – The script in which participants perform the task. Collects subject number, session number, and all variables.

  • E-DataAid – Reads E-Run data files (.edat3), performs very basic statistical analyses.

  • E-Recovery – Recovers text files created from improper abortion of E-Run tasks and converts them into .edat3 files.

  • E-Merge – Allows for the merging of individual data (.edat3) files into one file.

RAs will not be expected to navigate E-Prime other than being able to initiate and exit E-Run files such that .edat3 files are properly created and saved, and potentially learning to use E-Merge and E-Recovery.

E-Prime FAQs

  • Most of our tasks end with a red screen that requires the β€œQ” key to properly exit the task. Exiting tasks in any other way will result in the data (.edat3) file not being properly generated.

  • If you ever need to abort a task early, use the command β€œCtrl + Alt + Shift”.

  • Unless otherwise told, leave the Session prompt set to the default 1, regardless of what session a person is doing.

  • If a task crashes near the start, relaunch it. If it crashes again, skip it an alert your supervisor. Be specific about which task it is (saying β€œthe third task” is not particularly helpful).


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Data, Statistics, and Visualization


R is a coding language and environment for statistical computing and graphics.

The R environment allows for effective handling, manipulation, and storage of data. It also allows for complex statistical and graphical analyses. The benefit of R is the ease with which it allows you to save scripts to replicate your data procedures and to share them with others.

Jason has been implementing some of our data processing procedures through R scripts.

R is rapidly becoming one of the more popular data analysis softwares used in many scientific fields and data science industries.

RAs are not expected to know how to use R. However, if you would like to learn then please talk with a graduate student. You can learn from many of the resources that are available online in addition to our lab's useRguide that covers workflows and packages more specific to our lab.


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Reference Manager


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