Running Participants
Participant Arrives
Greeting and Parking
Greet the participants, ask them for their ID to check if they are indeed your participant and also check their age to make sure they are between 18-35.
Have them sit at the table next to the control room
Ask them if they need parking validation
[We need to fill in updated info here]
If they are arriving for their first session, then go over informed consent, otherwise skip to the Subject Database section.
Informed Consent
This is extremely important
Even though our studies are typically fairly benign, tedious, and present no real risk or harm to participants. They need to know what they are consenting to, what their rights are, and what their compensation will look like. FOR FMRI AND MURI STUDY: They should have completed their informed consent form on Docusign but you still need to remind them of the below since they did those forms a while ago so give them a description, remind them of their rights and compensation for the day.
Verbally provide them details so they can make an informed consent
During the informed consent you should convey:
A brief description of what they will be doing and if there are any risks to them
You will be performing a number of different attention, memory, and problem solving tasks on a computer for a couple of hours. There are no risks to participating other than what you might experience in a typical office workplace setting.
What their rights are
Your participation is completely voluntary and you have the right to withdraw from the study at any point in time. You will be compensated for however many sessions you participated in. We will not store any of your identifiable information with any behavioral, physiological, and self-report data we collect from you.
What their compensation will be and how the will be compensated (this can vary a lot by study)
You can receive up to $ in total or # SONA credits for participating this study. [Describe how much they will be compensated for each session]. You will receive a check in the mail, but it may take up to a month or longer for your check to arrive after participating.
Ask them to read the informed consent in full detail and to let you know if they have any questions
Sign the consent form
Subject Database
This is another really important step. Do not forget!
While they are going over the consent form you need to:
If they are here for their first session, enter them into the next row on the Subject Database
Mark todays date in the column for what session they are here for
If they are here for their first session, on the Participant Schedule, enter their Subject ID from the Subject Database
On the Participant Schedule, highlight their row as here: ORANGE
They can complete the demographics either on:
Their phone by scanning the QR code
The iPad
On their phone by scanning the QR code
Have them scan the QR code
Tell them their Subject ID they need to enter
The iPad
Open the Demographics 'web app' for them
Enter their Subject ID for them
To the Running Room
While walking them over to the running room, tell them:
They should have their phone on silent
Let them know where the bathrooms and water are at
Let them know they can take extended breaks in between tasks if they need to but not in the middle of a task (even if the task has a rest break in it).
Remind them their participation is voluntary and that they can withdraw at any time
Admistering Tasks
Reminders for Running Participants
Setup at Computer
Seat them in one of the computer stations
Instruct them to scoot their chair close to the desk
Instruct them to place the headphone on
Tell them you will start them in just a minute
Log Book
Open the log book on the iPad in the running room
Enter in the Subject ID, Date, Time, Session #, and Computer Station
Add any notes about comments, issues, or problems with the tasks and/or participant
Last updated