Request New Parking Validation Stickers
Submit a Validation Request Form for new parking validation stickers.
Parking Zone: Visitor Area 1
Validation Type: Flate Rate
Number of Validations: ~50 for 1 year
Validations expire August 14th of each year so best to underestimate and get more later
Pick Up Option: Pick up at PTS office
PTS Address: 770 Spring St NW, Atlanta, GA 30332 (parking deck of GT Hotel)
Validation Start Date = 3 days after the request is made
Example: send request July 7th > start date July 10th
Is this request for an event: No
Affiliate Type: GT Affiliate
Department Name: School of Psychology
Requestor Name: Randall Engle
Phone: your phone #
Skip Mail Code
Contact Email: your email
Driver Worktag: DE00007103
DOC ID: ask Sandra Wilson for a new number each time you request validations
Expense Ledger Account: 727535
Spend Category: SC727535
Business Office Contact: your name
Business Office Contact Email: your email
PTS will send an email 3-4 days after to let you know when they're ready for pick up.
Last updated