fMRI Session 3
Pre-Scan Procedures
Before Participant Arrives
You need to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to their scheduled start time on the Google Calendar.
Open the ONR fMRI SharePoint Page
Open the Subject Database and Scan Log in separate tabs
Open the Lab Email to see if the participant has messaged us and is still coming
Print their paperwork. If you scroll down on the ONR fMRI SharePoint Page there is a section Forms to Print with their MRI forms. Find their name on the Google Calendar
Consent Form - Last page only (pg 8)
If it is not signed by a researcher, sign it
MRI Screening Form - Both pages double sided
These next items can also be completed after the participant arrives and while they are doing the practice tasks
Add them to the Scan Log
In CC column plug in the next Counterbalance_Condition number (1 through 6) and it will give you the Task Order.
On the Subject Database column CABI Session put in today's date
Fill out the MRI Requisition Form
Be sure to fill out the URSI (M#) and the Study Subject ID (18#)
Make a note on the top for the Scan Order (e.g. 1b, r, 3b)
Participant Arrives
The doorbell will ring when they are at the side door. Go and get them. Bring them to the practice room
What if they participant does not show up on time?
Occasionally, they will come to the front door and be waiting in the lobby. If it is a few minutes past their start time you might want to go check the front
If they are 5 minutes late, give them a call to verify they are on their way or they need to cancel
Give them an overview of what will be happening today
About 15 minutes in here to practice what they will be doing in the scanner
They will be in the scanner for up to 1 hour 20 minutes
Ask them if they have been in an MRI Scanner before
If yes, ask them if it was for a brain scan / go over with them what the scanner environment is like
Tell them:
Laying down on their back and will go fully into the MRI bore which is a small enclosed tunnel.
Because it is a brain scan there will be a head coil over their face
Scanner is noisy
Make it clear to them that if at any point they are disoriented or too uncomfortable that they can stop the scan at any time
Also let them know that most people find it very relaxing in there but they need to stay alert during the task scans
Have them verify the first page of their MRI Screening Form and have them initial and date at the bottom of the page
Baseline and Practice Tasks
Start them on the baseline task (always do the baseline first)
Setup and calibrate the eye tracker. Same as we do in the JS Coon building
Tell them to sit in a position they can maintain cofortably for 5 - 10 minutes
Adjust the monitor so that it is 60 - 70cm away
Let them know when it goes to a red screen to come get you. Let them start by pressing the spacebar (don't interrupt the baseline measure) - close the door
Start them on the next task based on their counterbalance condition - find it in the Scan Log
They can read the instructions themselves, just check to make sure they respond on every letter
Start them on the last practice task
Setup MRI Environment
Head to MRI Suite
When they are done with the practice tasks you can bring them over to the scanner room
Grab the Consent, MRI Screening, and Requisition Forms
As you walk them over the scanner room let them know
We will have them put on scrubs when we get over there.
They should use the bathroom if needed before getting in
Give them a spiel about head motion and how we will monitor it and give them feedback
Show them the restroom and tell them to change into scrubs
If the MRI Tech is not there yet go find them
Take everything out of your pockets and remove any metal
Monitors in MRI Suite
From Left-Right facing the monitors
Far right tiny monitor near the shelving is the button box control (ResponseMonitor)
The second right monitor is for Eyelink (EyetrackerMonitor),
Middle monitor is for motion tracking (MotionMonitor)
Second from left is the monitor you set up your experiment and it’s shown to the participant (ExperimentMonitor)
Far left monitor is the MRI Technologist monitor (MYOBMonitor)
Do not touch this monitor unless specified by MRI technologist!
Setup Eye Tracker
Connect Power Cord
Find the Eyelink cord inside the pull-out drawer under the desk on the right side under the EyetrackerMonitor.
It’s a power cord with big box on one end and a VGA on the other.
Stick the VGA part through the tube to be connected to the Eyelink on the other side (will have green tape on the cord). Then find the power cord that is marked with green tape to be connected to the box side.
Go into the MRI room and connect the cord to the other cord with green tape
Now push that connection back all the way into tube, we don’t want any metal in the MRI suite.
Position Eye Tracker
Go to the back of the MRI machine and move the black cardboard away and then roll the screen away from the bore.
Take the cap off the eye tracker lens.
Pick up the eyetracker mount carefully and place the mount within the white masking taped area.
Move the screen back onto the black tape on the ground.
Turn on Eye Tracker Computer
Turn on the eye tracker computer
Select EyeLink startup
Setup Experiment Computer
Turn on the monitor in the MRI machine
Login to the computer
User: cabi_users
Password: cabi30318
Open our study folder
User Experiments / Engle / ONR fMRI
Setup Button Box
Connect the button box (or ask MRI Technologist) using the optic cable inside the room with the MRI. We are using the right button box.
Turn on the ResponseMonitor. The power button is in between the two cords connected to the ResponseMonitor.
Once the ResponseMonitor boots up, select the input. Have the ResponseMonitor select the input automatically (it should be the right button box) HHSC-1x4-CR
Click on output mode – select an output mode as HID_KEY_12345
When the MRI tech is ready for you, show how the button box works to the participant and show them which buttons they will be pressing for the experiment.
Setup Motion Tracker
On the MotionMonitor, only use the stylus - do not use your finger!
Go to settings. Change fMRI motion threshold to 0.3.
Under BRAIN SIZE turn ON Respiratory Filter
MRI Tech
While you are doing all of these steps the MRI Tech will be setting up the particpant on the scanner bed
Finish Setting Up Eye Tracker
Once the participant is in the scanner you need to finish setting up the eye tracker and verify that everything looks fine
Make sure the pupil is clearly in view, not occluded by the head coil
If it is occluded, instruct the participant to move more to the LEFT. But they need to be in a comfortable position otherwise they will just eventually move back.
You should not have to adjust the focus on the camera, but if the video on the EyetrackerMonitor is blurry, you will have to adjust the focus manually by turning the lens of the camera while it is inside the MRI.
Adjust tracker square box (on computer) to capture the eye by clicking the center of the eye with the mouse
Adjust pupil and corneal values so that the pupil is filled in completely with the dark blue and that the white dot in the center of the eye is filled in with the aqua color.
Corneal values: +/-
Pupil values: Up and Down Arrow keys
Scanning Procedures
Whole-Brain Scans
Using the Microphone
There is an on/off button on the left bottom.
On the right there is a toggle.
Push down the toggle to speak and hold it down while you speak. Don't speak too closely, it is loud for the participant!
Make sure you turn up the sound so you can hear them
When you are done always turn down the sound so you can’t hear the noise from the MRI during scan.
Ask participant if they can hear you, and tell them we’re going start the structural scan and they need to lie as still as possible for 8 minutes. The MRI technologist will then begin the structural scan.
They can keep their eyes closed but do not move their head, and they should not fall asleep. Or we will have to restart.
During this time, pull up any of the 3 task and run it, enter subject ID as 0 just to see if it skips eye tracking set up. If it does, just restart the eye tracker while the structural scan is going on.
When the structural scan is done, unmute the mic and check in on the participant. Tell them there will be a loud noise for about 10 secs to finish up with the scan.
Now, turn on the experiment display screen, so the participant can see what you see on the ExperimentComp.
Have the MRI Tech make sure the lights in the bore are turned on to level 2
Functional Scans
Make sure to TEST the button box to make sure it is recording the participant responses.
Open up the Notepad file on the desktop titled keyboard&button_check. Ask the participant to first press down with their index finger. It should register as 2 on the notepad, then ask them to press down on their middle finger and that should register as 3. If it doesn’t you would have to restart or replug button boxes.
Follow these next steps for each task: Rest, 1-back, 3-back
Start Task
Run the E-Prime task
Subject ID prompt: 18###
Save the eyetracker data as the same but with an addition at the end to indicate the task. 18###r or 18###1b 18###3b
Calibrate Eye Tracker
Tell the participant to focus on the circle as it moves on the display
Press 'C' to start calibration
Press the spacebar when you are certain they are focusing on the center circle
The calibration will continue automatically from there. However, if you need to continue the calibration manually because it is not moving on continue to press the spacebar for each circle
The calibration on the EyeTracker Monitor should look like a cross of 5 fixations
Press 'V' to start validation
Again press the spacebar for the first circle and so on
The error values should be quite small <1 or <1.5 is okay
When validation is done click “enter. ” Click on “o” key, you will get the instructions for the task.
Read Instructions to Participant
Read the instructions to the participants. Get verbal confirmation that they understand the task. There are several instruction screens
The last screen will remind them to keep as still as possible. Press the spacebar to move on to the fixation screen
At this point, you can tell the MRI tech to start the scan.
During the Task
Check the MotionMonitor to monitor their movement
During the experiment, also make sure that the ResponseMonitor is showing that the participant is responding on the button box.
Make sure that the participant does not fall asleep by looking at the EyetrackerMonitor and making sure that their eye is open.
After the Task
You can do this after the task or just before starting the next task
Give them feedback on how much they moved (good job, a few spikes, etc.) If they did well, tell them “great job, that’s how you need to be for the next runs/blocks”.
You should give them feedback on their motion after every task
Then keep encouraging them. It is tiring to stay still in a loud noisy box.
Make sure they are comfortable and that they can continue.
If not ask if they need a minute to rest, to wiggle their toes/body to help them stay awake while in the scanner.
High-Res LC Scans
When they have completed all 3 functional scans (rest, 1back and 3 back) there are few more structural scans to be done.
Turn off the ExperimentComputer screen, clicking on the blue button on the horizontal white box.
Talk to the participant to tell them there are a few more scans but they can relax and close their eyes BUT they should not move their head still. The scans will take 15 mins.
Final Steps
Upload Data to SharePoint
While the high-res LC scans are being done, you can upload the data to SharePoint
Create a folder for the participant's data
ONR fMRI / Subject Data / 18###
Then go into each task folder (rest, 1back and 3back) and into the subfolder data and take the EdataAid file (with the icon) and the -EXPORT file.
Then go into the subfolder called Results and take the corresponding edf file. (3 files x 3 task = 9 files total)
Move them into the Subject’s folder
Then click on the Sharepoint shortcut in the ONR_fMRI folder and sign into your GT account and upload the whole subject’s folder to Sharepoint in data/subject
NOTE: if the files won’t upload, go to network settings on the computer and turn on or off WIFI: eduroam. Sometimes Wifi works better, sometimes LAN works better.
Clean Up
After the structural scan is over, go in and greet your participant and thank them.
Shutdown the Eyetracker from the screen. Turn off EyetrackerMonitor by clicking shutdown host on the monitor. DO NOT PRESS THE POWER BUTTON ON THE COMPUTER.
In the MRI Room
Move the display screen and move the eye tracker back to its home and put back the cap on the lens GENTLY! You don’t want to move the focus
Unplug the eyetracker cable from the inside and push it back out through the tube.
In the Control Room
Unplug the eye tracker power cord and put it away.
Turn off button box by pressing on the button deeply at the button of the ResponseMonitor.
Close the MotionTracking monitor
End Session
Make sure they don’t leave before the MRI Technologist pulls up their structural scan on the MYOBMonitor. The participants can take pictures with their phones.
Ask them to check if their address is correct for payment.
Show the participant the way out.
Last updated